
We are nearing the end of a HUGE galvanised and stainless steel project which you and the Azzco team have taken a major role in undertaking and all in good time. Since our first contact to the present time you and your staff have been very professional in your conduct from estimates, site meetings, work ethic and safety compliance. Further to this, the detail your team has taken with planning and construction has been exemplary as the attached pictures clearly shows. Please accept my gratitude for a job well done and pass on my appreciation to your staff. Still a little way to go but well done and a great result.

Australian Vintage
Ray Pender
Engineering Service Manager

Over the past 8 years Qualia Wine Services has engaged Azzco Engineering to provide its services both in
regard to major/minor project design and construction, to retail sales of industry specific items as
It has been Qualia’s experience that Azzco constantly delivers a high trade quality standard that is both
cost effective and on time.
Aaron and his team are both knowledgeable and approachable and we look forward to future works
between the companies.

Qualia Wine Services.
Brad Cooper
Site Manager

Over the years Azzco Engineering have greatly assisted Zilzie Wines in many facets of our business, ranging from ongoing maintenance through to major projects and expansion works.
They provide us a complete service by being involved from beginning to end. From discussing our initial concepts and design ideas through to moving onto to project management, fabrication, installation and final commissioning. Over various projects Azzco Engineering have delivered both on time and within budget.
I look forward to continuing our relationship for many years to come. I would highly recommend Aaron and his team at Azzco Engineering for all of your fabrication and installation works.

Zilzie Wines Pty Ltd
Tristan Hartley
Winery Site Manager

On Behalf of Western Murray Irrigation. We would like to extend our appreciation to Azzco for the work carried out by your team during the installation of the new flowmeters and pipework at the Coomealla pump station. This project was an important part of our Coomealla system and the hours put in on a daily basis, diligence, self-motivation, quality and professionalism they portrayed was excellent.
Thank you all for your efforts in ensuring a positive outcome.
We look forward to working with your dedicated team again on this project. Thank you once again for all your effort.

Western Murray Irrigation Ltd
Wes Marks
Operations Supervisor